Women's bootcut jeans "STAR ECO-STYLE TWO
"Item no.: y_stc136w
Manufacturer: COMYCOM
Made in: Turkey
Model: Women's bootcut jeans dark blue
Material: Made from 100% organic cotton
Color: Dark blue/dark denim
Photo model: Laura is 171 cm tall, weighs 55 kg and wears trousers size W29/L34.
The item has a comfort fit (rather loose fit). The waist height of the trousers
is approx. 24 cm for this size.
Design feature: Bootcut jeans inspired by the fashionable influences of the 70s, made from 100% organic cotton.
Wash: Great dark blue / dark denim look.
Special feature: The women's jeans model "STAR ECO-STYLE TWO" has a "comfort fit" cut.
The rather loose cut makes them comfortable to wear and still shows off your figure to its best advantage.
Description: Slightly hip-high cut women's bootcut in a cool vintage style.
Bootcut jeans that impress with their classic sobriety. Unmissable,
inspired by the fashion of the 70s, with impressive denim quality (13 oz) and an understated wash.
Sustainably produced women's bootcut jeans made from organic cotton.
Cut: 5-pocket pocket solution, medium - low hip fit (approx. 24 cm rise), close-fitting at the top, then tapering into a small flare.
Matching search terms: Organic cotton bootcut jeans, women's bootcut trousers
EU textile label Material:
DE 100 % Baumwolle (Bio-Qualität) | BG 100 % памук (органично качество) | ES 100% algodón (calidad ecológica) | CS 100% bavlna (bio kvalita) | DA 100% bomuld (økologisk kvalitet) |
ET 100% puuvill (orgaaniline kvaliteet) | EL 100 % βαμβάκι (οργανική ποιότητα) | EN 100% cotton (organic quality) | FR 100% coton (qualité biologique) | GA 100% cadás (cáilíocht orgánach) |
IT 100% cotone (qualità biologica) | LV 100% kokvilna (bioloģiska kvalitāte) | LT 100% medvilnė (ekologiška kokybė) | HU 100% pamut (organikus minőség) | MT 100% qoton (kwalità organika) |
NL 100% katoen (biologische kwaliteit) | PL 100% bawełna (jakość organiczna) | PT 100 % algodão (qualidade orgânica) | RO 100 % bumbac (calitate organica) | SK 100 % bavlna (bio kvalita) |
100% bombaž (organska kakovost) | FI 100 % puuvillaa (orgaanista laatua) | SV 100% bomull (ekologisk kvalitet) |
DE Enthält nichttextile Teile tierischen Ursprungs | BG Съдържа нетекстилни части от животински произход | ES contiene partes no textiles de origen animal | CS obsahuje netextilní části živočišného původu | DA indeholder ikke-tekstildele af animalsk oprindelse | ET Izstrādājumā ietilpst dzīvnieku izcelsmes komponenti, kas nav tekstilmateriāls | EL περιέχει μη κλωστοϋφαντουργικά συστατικά ζωικής προέλευσης | EN Contains non-textile parts of animal origin | FR Contient des parties non textiles d'origine animale | GA Tá codanna neamhtheicstíle de bhunadh ainmhíoch ann | IT Contiene parti non tessili di origine animale | LV Yra gyvūninės kilmės ne tekstilės dalių | LT Izstrādājumā ietilpst dzīvnieku izcelsmes komponenti, kas nav tekstilmateriāls | HU állati eredetű, nem textil alkotórészek | MT Jinkludi partijiet mhux magħmula mit-tessuti, li joriġinaw mill-annimali | NL Bevat niet uit textiel bestaande delen van dierlijke oorsprong | PL Zawiera nietekstylne części pochodzenia zwierzęcego | PT Contém partes não têxteis de origem animal | RO Conține părți netextile de origine animală | SK Obsahuje netextilné časti živočíšneho pôvodu | SL vsebuje netekstilne dele živalskega izvora | FI sisältää muuta kuin tekstiiliä olevia eläinperäisiä osia | SV nnehåller icke-textila delar av animaliskt ursprung |