100 % Bio-Baumwolle

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Comycom Men's flare jeans STAR ECO-STYLE ONE Light blue

Item no.: y_st134
Manufacturer: COMYCOM Denim Fashion
Made in: Turkey
Model: Men's flared jeans
Material: Made from 100% organic cotton
Color: Light blue washed
Photo model: Our model is approx. 184 cm tall
and wears jeans size W31/L34 inch.

99,90 € *
Available in 1 - 2 Days**

Comycom Men's flare jeans STAR ECO-STYLE ONE Light blue

Item no.: y_st134
Manufacturer: COMYCOM Denim Fashion
Made in: Turkey
Model: Men's flare jeans
Material: Made from 100% organic cotton
Color: Light blue washed
Photo model: Our model is approx. 184 cm tall
and wears jeans size W31/L34 inches.

Design feature: 70s hippie look flare jeans made from 100% organic cotton.

Wash: Light washed-out "used" look.

Sustainability: The "STAR ECO-STYLE ONE" flare jeans are the first Comycom flare jeans made from 100% organic cotton! More flare jeans made from organic cotton will follow.

Special feature: The men's jeans model "STAR ECO-STYLE ONE" has a slim fit. This means that the trousers fit much better on the leg, both in the bottom/pelvic area and in the slightly narrower thighs. This change in cut makes the flare, which starts at the knee, stand out much better.

Description: Men's flare jeans cut slightly hip (approx. 24 cm rise or inseam) in an authentic retro design. One of the men's flared pants with a classic hippie look. Clearly based on the fashionable impulses of the 70s, heavy denim quality (13 oz) and a great denim wash.

These sustainable flare jeans come complete with new leather labeling. A large leather labeling patch with print is sewn onto the back waistband above the back pocket, another smaller leather patch is located on the back right pocket, and another narrow leather patch with "Star" lettering is attached to the front right penny pocket.

Cut: 5-pocket pocket solution, medium - low hip fit, tight-fitting at the top, then tapering into a distinctly flared fit.

Matching search terms:
Hippie jeans flare, jeans flare, jeans flare made of organic cotton

EU textile labeling Material:
DE 100 % Baumwolle (Bio-Qualität) | BG 100 % памук (органично качество) | ES 100% algodón (calidad ecológica) | CS 100% bavlna (bio kvalita) | DA 100% bomuld (økologisk kvalitet) | ET 100% puuvill (orgaaniline kvaliteet) | EL 100 % βαμβάκι (οργανική ποιότητα) | EN 100% cotton (organic quality) | FR 100% coton (qualité biologique) | GA 100% cadás (cáilíocht orgánach) | IT 100% cotone (qualità biologica) | LV 100% kokvilna (bioloģiska kvalitāte) | LT 100% medvilnė (ekologiška kokybė) | HU 100% pamut (organikus minőség) | MT 100% qoton (kwalità organika) | NL 100% katoen (biologische kwaliteit) | PL 100% bawełna (jakość organiczna) | PT 100 % algodão (qualidade orgânica) | RO 100 % bumbac (calitate organica) | SK 100 % bavlna (bio kvalita) | 100% bombaž (organska kakovost) | FI 100 % puuvillaa (orgaanista laatua) | SV 100% bomull (ekologisk kvalitet) |

DE Enthält nichttextile Teile tierischen Ursprungs | BG Съдържа нетекстилни части от животински произход | ES contiene partes no textiles de origen animal | CS obsahuje netextilní části živočišného původu | DA indeholder ikke-tekstildele af animalsk oprindelse | ET Izstrādājumā ietilpst dzīvnieku izcelsmes komponenti, kas nav tekstilmateriāls | EL περιέχει μη κλωστοϋφαντουργικά συστατικά ζωικής προέλευσης | EN Contains non-textile parts of animal origin | FR Contient des parties non textiles d'origine animale | GA Tá codanna neamhtheicstíle de bhunadh ainmhíoch ann | IT Contiene parti non tessili di origine animale | LV Yra gyvūninės kilmės ne tekstilės dalių | LT Izstrādājumā ietilpst dzīvnieku izcelsmes komponenti, kas nav tekstilmateriāls | HU állati eredetű, nem textil alkotórészek | MT Jinkludi partijiet mhux magħmula mit-tessuti, li joriġinaw mill-annimali | NL Bevat niet uit textiel bestaande delen van dierlijke oorsprong | PL Zawiera nietekstylne części pochodzenia zwierzęcego | PT Contém partes não têxteis de origem animal | RO Conține părți netextile de origine animală | SK Obsahuje netextilné časti živočíšneho pôvodu | SL vsebuje netekstilne dele živalskega izvora | FI sisältää muuta kuin tekstiiliä olevia eläinperäisiä osia | SV nnehåller icke-textila delar av animaliskt ursprung |

Washing instructions:

Your garment can/may ...

"be washed on a normal wash cycle up to a temperature of 40°
"should not be treated with bleach, i.e. it should only be washed with color and / or mild detergent
"be ironed on a moderate heat, i.e. up to a maximum of 150°
"can also be dry-cleaned
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