Item no.: uc_tb4739_04011
Model: Women's basic top rib knit sweater with turtleneck light grey
Material: 35% viscose / 35% polyester / 30% elastane / 2by2 knit, fine knit, 12 gg
Color: Beige
Made in: Bangladesh
This fine women's knitted sweater in a light gray shade is a timeless classic for any wardrobe,
which impresses with its understated style. The long sleeves and small turtleneck,
the perfect length, give the sweater a feminine look throughout. Made
from a soft rib-knit blend of polyester, viscose and nylon,
it is extremely comfortable to wear. The sweater has a slim fit,
which emphasizes the figure and guarantees a beautiful fit. Its simple beauty makes
a versatile companion for a wide variety of occasions.
Sizes: The women's long sleeve top is available in sizes S, M, L and XL.
Condition: New and unworn
EU textile label Material:
DE 35 % Viskose | BG 35 % Вискоза | ES 35 % Viscosa | CS 35 % viskóza | DA 35 % viskose | ET 35 % Viskoos |
EL 35 % βισκόζη (τεχνητό μετάξι) | EN 35 % viscose | FR 35 % viscose (f.) | GA 35 % vioscós | IT 35 % viscosa |
LV 35 % viskoze | LT 35 % viskozė | HU 35 % viszkóz | MT 35 % visk | NL 35 % Viscose | PL 35 % wiskoza |
PT 35 % viscose | RO 35 % Viscoză | SK 35 % viskóza | SL 35 % viskoza | FI 35 % viskoosi | SV 35 % Viskos |
DE 35 % Polyester | BG 35 % Полиестер | ES 35 % Poliéster | CS 35 % polyester | DA 35 % polyester |
ET 35 % Polüester | EL 35 % πολυεστέρας | EN 35 % polyester | FR 35 % polyester (m.) | GA 35 % poileistear |
IT 35 % poliestere | LV 35 % poliesteris | LT 35 % poliesteris | HU 35 % poliészter | MT 35 % poliester |
NL 35 % polyester | PL 35 % poliester | PT 35 % poliéster | RO 35 % Poliester | SK 35 % polyester |
SL 35 % poliester | FI 35 % polyesteri | SV 35 % Polyester |
DE 30 % Elasthan | BG 30 % Еластан | ES 30 % Elastano | CS 30 % elastan | DA 30 % elasthan |
ET 30 % Elastaan | EL 30 % ελαστομερής πολυουρεθάνη | EN 30 % elastane | FR 30 % élasthanne (m.) |
GA 30 % leaisteán |IT 30 % elastan | LV 30 % elastāns | LT 30 % elastanas | HU 30 % elasztán |
MT 30 % elastan | NL 30 % Elastaan | PL 30 % elastan | PT 30 % elastano | RO 30 % Elastan |
SK 30 % elastan | SL 30 % elastan | FI 30 % elastaani | SV 30 % Elastan |