TB International GmbH
Item no.: uc_tb4548_02903
Model: Basic women's sweater with wide neckline white
Material: 35% viscose, 35% polyacrylic, 30% nylon & polyamide, fine knit, 12 gg/
Color: White
Made in: Bangladesh

29,90 € *
Available in 1 - 2 Days**
Item no.: uc_tb4548_02903
Model: Basic women's sweater with wide neckline white
Material: 35% viscose, 35% polyacrylic, 30% nylon & polyamide, fine knit, 12 gg/
Color: White
Made in: Bangladesh

The little white one for on top! Simple and elegantly designed women's sweater with a round neckline.
Slim fit, hip-length to the waistband, long sleeves and cuddly soft! What more could a woman want?
Fashionably cut rib-knit basic sweater with an eye-catching effect. Casual, cool and always stylishly elegant.
A women's basic sweater for all occasions. Your must-have for colder days. There's always a reason to wear
if you want to look great.
Cut: women's slim fit cut.
Sizes: The women's long sleeve sweater is available in S, M, L and XL.
Condition: New and unworn

EU textile label Material:
DE 35 % Viskose | BG 35 % Вискоза | ES 35 % Viscosa | CS 35 % viskóza | DA 35 % viskose |
ET 35 % Viskoos | EL 35 % βισκόζη (τεχνητό μετάξι) | EN 35 % viscose | FR 35 % viscose (f.) |
GA 35 % vioscós |
IT 35 % viscosa | LV 35 % viskoze | LT 35 % viskozė | HU 35 % viszkóz |
MT 35 % visk |
NL 35 % Viscose | PL 35 % wiskoza | PT 35 % viscose | RO 35 % Viscoză |
SK 35 % viskóza |
SL 35 % viskoza | FI 35 % viskoosi | SV 35 % Viskos |

DE 35 % Polyacryl | BG 35 % Акрил | ES 35 % Acrílico | CS 35 % akryl | DA 35 % polyacryl |
ET 35 % Akrüül | EL 35 % ακρυλικό | EN 35 % acrylic | FR 35 % acrylique (m.) | GA 35 % aicrileach |
IT 35 % acrilica | LV 35 % akrils | LT 35 % akrilinis pluoštas | HU 35 % akril | MT 35 % akrilik |
NL 35 % Acryl | PL 35 % akryl | PT 35 % acrílica | RO 35 % Fibre acrilice | SK 35 % akryl |
SL 35 % akril | FI 35 % akryyli | SV 35 % Akryl |

DE 30 % Polyamid oder Nylon | BG 30 % Полиамид или найлон | ES 30 % Poliamida o nailon | CS 30 % polyamid nebo nylon |
DA 30 % polyamid eller nylon |
ET 30 % Polüamiid või nailon | EL 30 % πολυαμίδιο ή νάιλον |
EN 30 % polyamide or nylon | FR 30 % polyamide (m.) ou nylon (m.) | GA 30 % polaimíd nó níolón |
IT 30 % poliammide o nylon | LV 30 % poliamīds jeb neilons | LT 30 % poliamidinis pluoštas arba nailonas |
HU 30 % poliamid vagy nejlon | MT 30 % poliammide jew najlon |
NL 30 % polyamide of nylon |
PL 30 % poliamid lub nylon | PT 30 % poliamida ou nylon | RO 30 % Poliamidă sau nailon | SK 30 % polyamid alebo nylon |
SL 30 % poliamid ali najlon | FI 30 % polyamidi tai nailon | SV 30 % Polyamid eller nylon |

TB International GmbH
Dr.-Robert-Murjahn-Str. 7
64372 Ober-Ramstadt, Germany
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