Name: Reversible mini skirt black
Item no.: bae4174_2
Model: Red mini skirt
Material: 50 % cotton, 30 % wool, 20 % polyamide
Color: Black/multicolored

29,90 € *
Available in 1 - 2 Days**
Name: Reversible mini skirt black
Item no.: bae4174_2
Model: Red mini skirt
Material: 50 % cotton, 30 % wool, 20 % polyamide
Color: Black/colored

Description: Red mini skirt for you - super practical as it can be reversed - so it can be worn on both sides. One skirt, two designs!
With colorful fabric inserts in 70s pattern and sewn-on pocket
Look: Retro flower power mini skirt in 70s look
Size: The retro reversible skirt is available in one size
Short 70s mini skirt in reversible design!
Condition: New and unworn
Matching search terms: retro mini skirt, reversible hippie skirt, red ladies mini skirt

EU textile labeling Material:
DE 50 % Baumwolle | BG 50 % Памук | ES 50 % Algodón | CS 50 % bavlna | DA 50 % bomuld |
ET 50 % Puuvill | EL 50 % βαμβάκι | EN 50 % cotton | FR 50 % coton (m.) | GA 50 % cadás |
IT 50 % cotone | LV 50 % kokvilna | LT 50 % medvilnė | HU 50 % pamut | MT 50 % qoton |
NL 50 % katoen | PL 50 % bawełna | PT 50 % algodão | RO 50 % Bumbac | SK 50 % bavlna |
SL 50 % bombaž | FI 50 % puuvilla | SV 50 % Bomull |

DE 30 % Wolle | BG 30 % Вълна | ES 30 % Lana | CS 30 % vlna | DA 30 % uld |
ET 30 % Vill | EL 30 % μαλλί | EN 30 % wool | FR 30 % laine (f.) | GA 30 % olann |
IT 30 % lana | LV 30 % vilna | LT 30 % vilna | HU 30 % gyapjú | MT 30 % suf |
NL 30 % wol | PL 30 % wełna | PT 30 % lã | RO 30 % Lână | SK 30 % vlna |
SL 30 % volna | FI 30 % villa | SV 30 % Ull |

DE 20 % Polyamid oder Nylon | BG 20 % Полиамид или найлон | ES 20 % Poliamida o nailon | CS 20 % polyamid nebo nylon | DA 20 % polyamid eller nylon |
ET 20 % Polüamiid või nailon | EL 20 % πολυαμίδιο ή νάιλον | EN 20 % polyamide or nylon | FR 20 % polyamide (m.) ou nylon (m.) | GA 20 % polaimíd nó níolón |
IT 20 % poliammide o nylon | LV 20 % poliamīds jeb neilons | LT 20 % poliamidinis pluoštas arba nailonas | HU 20 % poliamid vagy nejlon | MT 20 % poliammide jew najlon |
NL 20 % polyamide of nylon | PL 20 % poliamid lub nylon | PT 20 % poliamida ou nylon | RO 20 % Poliamidă sau nailon | SK 20 % polyamid alebo nylon |
SL 20 % poliamid ali najlon | FI 20 % polyamidi tai nailon | SV 20 % Polyamid eller nylon |

Washing instructions:

Your garment should be ...

"washed individually by hand in cold water for the first wash,
as slight bleeding of colors is always possible with hand-batiked textiles.
" should not be treated with bleach, i.e. it should only be washed with color and / or mild detergent.
" should be ironed at a moderate temperature, i.e. up to a maximum of 150°.
" can also be dry cleaned.
Baeres GmbH Import / Export
Lärchenstraße 81
65933 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
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